Information Sharing and Analysis Center

Information Sharing and Analysis Center

India's leading non-profit, solving critical problems impacting the connected, digital world on cyber security.

ICCW C-Suite

Cyber Crisis Wargame (ICCW)

4 hour insightful program designed for CEOs, CXOs, Directors and Senior Management

Standard Price: ₹3,00,000 + GST | Special Offer Price for Students: ₹1,50,00 + GST

Special Prices for Professionals and Corporates: Contact Us

Promotional price valid till 31st October 2023

Evaluate and assess the maturity of your organization in dealing with a cyberattack.


No organization is immune to damaging cyber events, and organizations that do not invest in cyber security could be attacked frequently and successfully!

The C-Suite Cyber Crisis Wargame program is a unique breach readiness simulation activity that helps in evaluation of your organizations readiness in responding effectively to a cyberattack.

We touch upon five critical scenarios of cyber security that every CEO/CXO must be prepared for. During this interactive gameplay, you will learn:

  • How to get the maximum ROI for your investments in cybersecurity
  • The impact of cyber-attacks on your brand and stock price
  • The process gaps which can severely impact your security measures
  • Regulatory impact and key mistakes your managers can avoid
  • Enhancing inter-departmental collaboration and Crisis communication
  • Ethical issues and vendor rating
  • Score of your organization for breach-readiness across 5 critical areas in event of a cyber-attack
  • Understand Key concepts of emerging cyber security practices including Red-teaming and Threat Modeling
  • Checklist for assessing the maturity of your SOC readiness in event of a breach

Practical Session (60 minutes): Gain insights on critical areas of cybersecurity that must be addressed by every organization. The sessions will give you the tools required to drive change in your organization’s readiness and maturity for cyber security.

The interactive topics will help you get the maximum return on investments on your cyber security strategies. You will build stronger resilient practices and increase collaboration between inter-departments for awareness, processes, and policies.

With real-world case studies, detailed analysis and best practices, the session enables you to look at cyber security attacks from various perspectives and roles of a hacker, incident response teams, CISO, CEO and the customers. You will take the role of each profile and respond to the questions to understand how your choices during a crisis can make or break an organization.

  • Board Members, Directors, CEOs, CXOs, Vice Presidents, GMs, CISOs, CSOs, ISOs
  • Senior Management Staff who are either heads of their function and or fully understand how the department operates.
  • Heads of various functions like PR, communications, legal, HR, sales and marketing, to name a few.

Simulations Offered



VAPT vs Bug Bounties

Session: VAPT and Bug Bounties – What will give you the best returns?

Gameplay: Real World Case Study and Simulation

Phishing, Social Engineering

Session: Learn how hackers target you with Phishing and Social Engineering

Gameplay: Real World Case Study and Simulation

Supply Chain Attacks

Session: All about Supply chain attacks, Third party risk assessment

Gameplay: Real World Case Study and Simulation

Red Teaming

Session: Learn how Red Teaming can benefit your organization

Gameplay: Real World Case Study and Simulation

SOC Maturity

Session: Driving SOC Maturity and getting the best ROI for your investments

Gameplay: Real World Case Study and Simulation