Built Environment Policy A think tank performing research, working on policy, creating intellectual discourse and advocacy in the area of Built Environment
Vision: Healthy, vibrant, secure, and inclusive buildings & cities
ISAC Centre for Built Environment Policy is an integral part of Information Sharing and Analysis Center, India which is Section 8 Company registered in India with 12AA and 80G. ISAC Centre of Built Environment Policy is not related to Information Sharing and Analysis Center, USA
Key Objectives
Undertake Consensus Building to shape the intellectual discourse around the area of Built Environment.
Public Health and Environment
Safety, Security, and Defence
Growth, Well-being and Social Justice
Core Values: Truth, Integrity, Natural Justice, Human Dignity, and Right to Life.
For the Center
- To be at the forefront of research, policy, legislation, advocacy and discourse around Built Environment in India.
- To be the choice of lawmakers as a helping hand in shaping policy in the area.
- To create a listening, public discourse and intellectual discourse around this area.
- To be the go to organisation for matters relating to the Built Environment.
- To be an umbrella for all related activities.

Our Work:
PRIMARY FOCUS: Crime Prevention Through Environment Design or CPTED
- Raja Singh Singh, R. (2024). Pedestrian post-twilight illuminance levels for security, visual comfort, and related parameters: the case of public parks in New Delhi. Cities & Health, 8(1), 14–20.
- Prarthana Garg, Raja Singh. (2023). Analysing crimes in public spaces of New Delhi through news reports: The need and possibility of integrating Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Principles.. Qeios. doi:10.32388/I9NNFW.6.
Note: Only authors in bold are related directly to ISAC Centre for Built Environment Policy.
ISAC has signed an MoU with School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi and together has conducted the CPTED Conference 2022 and CPTED Conference 2023
The Proceedings of the CPTED Conference 2023 is available here: Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC), & School of Planning and Architecture. (2023, September 21). Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED): Conference Proceedings 2023. Conference on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), 2023, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.
The Proceedings of the CPTED Conference 2022 is available here: Various Authors. (2022). Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED): Conference Proceedings 2022 (Version 1). Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Conference 2022 (CPTED Conference 2022), New Delhi, India. Zenodo.
ISAC has also created India’s First integrated standard on Smart City Security integrating CPTED, IoT/IT Security and People Fidelity.
See ISAC Webinar on How to make Parks Safe using CPTED by Prof Karthik Mohan below:
Work related to Accessibility in the Built Environment:
- Raja Singh, Laxmi Bohora, Nirupam Madaan. (2022). The Universal Accessibility Provisions in Hospitals of New Delhi, India. Qeios. doi:10.32388/M7E7KE.2.
- Raja Singh, Laxmi Bohora. (2023). The Universal Accessibility Provisions in Educational Institutes of New Delhi, India. Qeios. doi:10.32388/BYE0A8.2.
Some works related to allied built environment issues:
- Singh R, Dewan A. Using global research on ventilation and airborne infection control for impacting public policy through the Indian Judiciary. Indoor and Built Environment. 2022;31(5):1438-1440. doi:10.1177/1420326X211061997
- Raja Singh, “Pedagogy for Teaching Fire Safety through Design-Based Immersion of the National Building Code 2016 with Feedback from Students of Undergraduate Architecture”, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2023, Article ID 4007123, 10 pages, 2023.
Dr Raja Singh,
Visiting Faculty, SPA, New Delhi
Post Doc Candidate, SPH
Aanchal Mahur
Pavani Bhashyam
Tajally Sheheryar
Fellow (2023)
Laxmi Bohora
Fellow (2022)
Ashani Srivastava
Soniya Pathare
Intern, Ex
Shreema Bera
Intern, Ex
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We are looking forward to government, institutional, academic and industry partners for work in the area of the Built Environment.
Write to: CBEP[at]isacfoundation.orgLaunch your research
Pedestal for Policy Work
The Centre provides a unique opportunity for researchers to pitch their research for wider implementation into Policy.
Write to: CBEP[at]