You may be selling custom jewellery, art, clothing, merchandise, food, a unique service, tech product or even teaching music, dance or art and craft. Perhaps you are running a non-profit, engaged in specialized consulting or promoting a great social cause. No matter what your idea or business is, you will need technology to scale and succeed in your business. This course will teach you how to use technology to effectively run your business, bring down your costs and learn the secrets of frugal start-up that will save you a lot of time and money.
For Women Entrepreneurs who wish to
Instructor-Led, delivered online.
INR 10,000 + Taxes
Admission is subject to selection and the remittance of fees. Your space is secured upon receipt of full payment.
The program will be held on the following dates from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM:
To be announced
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